A field guide to reclaiming the future of architecture
Edited by George Kafka, Sophie Lovell — &beyond collective

Now is not a time for metaphorical sticking plasters or vanity projects, it is a time for change and a time for action.
The mandate of architects and urbanists today goes way beyond designing buildings, it includes changing behavior, influencing and impacting policy, and building bottom-up agency with new understandings of value, justice, and cultural production. This task is best achieved by sharing not just strategies but also practice – completely openly and freely. This sixth volume in the Archifuturesseries for the Future Architecture platform, therefore, focuses on emerging narratives and strategies that can help architects adapt their practice towards more effective agency in order to meet the greater, more universal tasks that are upon all of humankind. The projects featured here show ways forward in addressing ecological destruction, racial injustice, housing inequality, and landscapes of conflict. They point to new modes of design practice, rethinking what it means to be “an architect” in a world of spatial injustice.
Contributors include: 45°, Architects Climate Action Network, Thomas Aquilina, Architekturos Fondas, ateliermob, BC Architects and Studies[BE], Miguel Braceli, Coloco, Critical Practice, Dark Matter Labs, Arturo Franco & Ana Román, Institute for Linear Research, Will Jennings, Constantinos Marcou, Mies. TV, Office of Human Resources, Recetas Urbanas, Jason Rhys Parry, Point Supreme, Proyecto Colectivo, Marie-Louise Richards, Unfolding Pavilion, Un-war Space Lab, Marina Otero Verzier.
Edited by George Kafka and Sophie Lovell.
Design by Diana Portela.
Title: Archifutures. Volume 6: Agency. A Field Guide to Reclaiming the Future of Architecture.
Editors: George Kafka, Sophie Lovell — &beyond collective
Language: English
Cover: Softcover with flaps
Size: 17 x 23 cms
Number of pages: 218
Images: Color
Date: October 2020
ISBN: 978-84-120390-8-5
Publisher: dpr-barcelona
Get a copy here
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