YEAR | 2015
LOCATION | Triesen
Wohnatelier Gapont rose from the ashes of a barn after an accidental fire in 2015. Gapont found a niche in local regulation as a combination of housing and work and in close coexistence with the neighboring building formed a small community of people.

Gapont means 'bridge house' and refers to the oldest known bridge crossing the Rhine in Liechtenstein.
The bridge was situated roughly where the atelier stands today and got destroyed in the 15th century.

The map on the right depicts the area in 1819 when the Rhine arm near Gapont had already disappeared. Unfortunately no maps depicting the bridge have survived.
The Wohnatelier is made of a series of wooden prefabricated frames on the concrete ground floor, which create a flexible open space inside and give the atelier its characteristic profile.

Gapont is more of an ever-changing space than a stable office, as people and projects come in and live their lives. Our working table came in after the "Grass is Always Greener" on the "Other Side" exhibition in 2015, when Luis was still finalizing the building. In 2018 Gapont became a base camp of Studio Venice, preparing a Venice Biennale exhibition that later led to the founding of the Institute for Linear Research.