YEAR | 2022
LEAD | Luis Hilti | Felix Ledergerber
PARTNER | Gamprin-Bendern
INSTITUTION | University of Liechtenstein
COLLABORATION | Fachhochschule OST

Studio U demonstrates how teaching and practice can be brought into a constructive interplay. Building on this Studio U, we later conducted a participatory process and developed a Masterplan for Unterbendern.
During this semester, together with students, we speculatively explored the potential of Unterbendern.
The site is situated at the topographic center of the Rhine Valley, acting as a major historic and contemporary infrastructure node at the intersection of regional and international traffic routes, historic landmarks, and waterways.
With students from all over the globe, we analyzed the history and explored future possibilities of Unterbendern.
The municipality of Gamprin–Bendern plans to overhaul the area’s traffic infrastructure, aiming to transform its challenges into opportunities. The vision is to create a new administrative, economic, and residential center that will serve the region for decades to come.
We organized a seminar week in Geneva to explore future-proof urban typologies and modes of living that could be envisioned for Unterbendern. One key example we studied was the complex Eco Quartier de la Jonction in Geneva.
We invited experts from various fields to provide their perspectives on the students’ proposals and to deliver a public lecture.
Throughout the studio, we tackled the complexities of masterplanning, public spaces, architectural typologies, and living environments. The design approach addressed contemporary challenges such as fostering social cohesion, mitigating the impacts of the climate crisis, and combating biodiversity loss. 
The works of the students were exhibited and opened for discussion with the community and stakeholders, initiating a collaborative and participatory design process.
By bridging academia and practice, Studio U offered fresh perspectives on how to transform residual spaces into vibrant and sustainable urban centers.
All Students and Critics of Studio U with the Mayor of Gamprin-Bendern.

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