YEAR | 2022
TUTORS | Luis Hilti | Felix Ledergerber
PARTNER | Gamprin-Bendern
INSTITUTION | University of Liechtenstein
Presentations and discussion on site
Concept model of territorial strategies
Studio U will design a new urban center at the intersection of various regional and international traffic routes, historic sites, and waterways. Unterbendern is currently characterized by traffic jams and parking lots and is generally considered a residual space. The municipality Gamprin – Bendern plans to overhaul the entire traffic infrastructure and set a development in motion that should turn the pitfall into a potential and create a new administrative, economic and residential center for the region in the following decades. We will work on masterplans, public spaces, architectural typologies, and living environments, dealing with contemporary challenges ranging from social cohesion and climate crisis to biodiversity loss. Studio U will explore scenarios and create visions to be exhibited and discussed among the concerned public.
Visit to the collective housing complex Eco Quartier de la Jonction in Geneva
Public Lecture Series organised by Studio U
All Students and Critics of Studio U